I am
Mood swings
I am
I am Euphoria
I am inflated self-esteem
I am poor judgment
I am rapid speech
I am racing thoughts
I am aggressive behavior
I am agitation
I am irritation
I am irritation
I am increased physical activity
I am risky behavior
I am
Spending sprees
I am unwise financial choices
I am increased drive to perform or achieve goals
I am increased sex drive
I am decreased need for sleep
I am easily distracted
I am careless
I am dangerous use of drugs or alcohol
I am delusions
I am a break from reality
I am sadness
I am hopelessness
I am suicidal thoughts
I am anxiety
I am guilt
I am sleep problems
I am fatigue
I am loss of interest in activities people consider as enjoyable
I am irritability
I am chronic pain without a known cause
And finally
I am you.