26 April 2018

|| my constipation girl ||

dear little lady
you see
don't you worry
It's something like this
you need to take
more water
perhaps, you need
to increase
your fiber intake
you see
more than anything else
you should stop
worrying about everything
of every
tom 'dick' and harry
I mean
your ex -boyfriends
your guilt
and your dog
(not me!
though of course
I like
licking you as well )
more importantly
my lady
managing stress
will manage
your gut -brain axis
( so they say )
so my lady
don't you worry
has turned people
to philosophers
& truth seekers!
( though
I am not one
them )
So, be pleased
so don't you worry
so, it so happens that
I love you
with all your farts
with your menses
with your shit
with your lice
and every other thing
that you are
scared to speak of;
and finally
dear little lady
you see
don't you worry
who knows
perhaps we are all
farts of God
this creation
is but a rumbling
in the
womb of
a Goddess
across the universe!

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